Water Water Well Disinfection & Inspection

Disinfection and a well inspection are recommended when your well water tests positive for micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa (single-cell animals).
Wells are routinely tested for coliform bacteria—organisms in soil or vegetation, and in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. Most coliforms are harmless. Their presence indicates whether the well environment can support disease-causing bacteria.
Some strains of E. coli can cause disease. If a well tests positive for coliform bacteria, testing for E. coli may be a prudent next step.

A water well should be disinfected:
- When the water tests positive for coliform bacteria
- After well construction
- After well servicing
- If there is a well-system defect that could allow bacteria into the well.
- The National Ground Water Association recommends qualified water well professionals conduct system disinfections. Proper well disinfection involves chemistry and proper application techniques, so the potential is great for well owners to improperly disinfect their well systems.
Caution! Chlorine compounds are most commonly used to disinfect water wells. These compounds can be a breathing or explosion hazard. Also, it’s not recommended to use household bleach to chlorinate wells. Bleach is not designed for use in drinking water.
Recurring bacteria could indicate:
- A breach in the well system’s sanitary seals
- A nearby contamination source such as a failing septic system
- The need for a well cleaning.
- If bacteria is recurring in your water, consult with a qualified water well system contractor on how to proceed.
What do you know about your Water Well?
It is important that private well (water borehole) owners take a little time to learn about how to be a good steward of their water well systems, which includes testing the water and acting to improve water quality if necessary.
Here’s a Quick quiz to test your knowledge:
1. It is important to test one’s well water annually for:
a. Iron
b. Hardness
c. Sulfides
d. Bacteria
e. Nitrates
f. d and e
g. All of the above
2. A local health or environmental health department is a good place to start in checking for potential local groundwater contamination threats:
True or False?
3. The well may be dirty if:
a. The water is cloudy
b. The water flow into the well is slow
c. There are taste and odor problems
d. All of the above
4. Nitrates most commonly come from manufacturing sites:
True or False?
5. Total coliforms are tested in water because:
a. These bacteria are hazardous to one’s
b. They are easy to grow in a lab test
c. They are an indicator of possible
pathogenic bacteria
d. b and c
e. All of the above
See answers at end of page
Water Well Services We Provide

Here at Waterseekers Drilling Services (UK), we deliver a complete and comprehensive turnkey service, covering all aspects of borehole installation including borehole design, drilling, ground work and pump installation and maintenance providing reliable water and heating solution to suit our client’s individual requirements.
Our services include:
- Water Well (Borehole) Drilling Services
- Borehole Prognosis Reports
- Water Borehole Maintenance
- Borehole Pump Replacement
- Ground Source and Water Heating Systems
- Water Treatment
- Spring water solutions & Irrigation
Our experience and knowledge of drilling and underlying geology and hydrogeology of most regions throughout the UK gives us the edge and the ability to provide a professional and reliable service to you.
Contact Us for Commercial & Domestic Water Borehole Projects
Please get in touch for more information.
Quiz answers:
(1) f (2) True (3) d (4) False (5) d
Post on 26 Jan 2016 by Water Well Drilling Enthusiast
Posted in
- Commercial
- disinfecting water borehole
- disinfecting water well
- Domestic
- drinking water
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- Health & Water
- healthy drinking water
- healthy water supply
- spring water
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- water borehole drilling
- water boreholes
- water boreholes essex
- Water Supply
- water well drilling surrey
- water well quality
- Water Wells | Tagged borehole drilling hampshire